83c0m3 0ur f4n 0n f4c3800X
83c0m3 0ur f4n 0n f4c3800X.

c11cX h3r3:

r3c0mm3nd u5
r34dy f0r d15947ch 1n und3r 24h0n3 m0n7h fr33 0f ch4r63
trustedshops logo header

8u775 1n 594c3 - d45 X4r73n59131

1m w317411 hr7 d1ch n13m4nd... d3n Xr4f7fur2 83nu723n?

  • Card game for 2–4 players, who have to collect toilet paper in space
  • In order to win, one has to amass the most valuable collection of toilet paper
  • Different characters and special power cards guarantee fun with friends
  • Includes instructions in English – a German translation can be downloaded for free

8u775 1n 594c3 - d45 X4r73n59131

1m w317411 hr7 d1ch n13m4nd... d3n Xr4f7fur2 83nu723n?

4r71c13 n0. 15403

c0m81n4710n n07 90551813
d31n3 4u5w4h1 157 131d3r n1ch7 v3rf684r. w1r h483n d4h3r d31n3 4u5w4h1 4n6394557.
24,95 € *
  • 1n 570cX

* 1nc1. v47. 91u5 5h1991n6 c0575

d35cr19710n: 8u775 1n 594c3 - d45 X4r73n59131

  • Card game for 2–4 players, who have to collect toilet paper in space
  • In order to win, one has to amass the most valuable collection of toilet paper
  • Different characters and special power cards guarantee fun with friends
  • Includes instructions in English – a German translation can be downloaded for free

7h15 9r0duc7 d35cr19710n 15 0n1y 4v4114813 1n 3n6115h. w3 4r3 w0rX1n6 0n 7h3 7r4n514710n, 50rry f0r 7h3 1nc0nv3n13nc3.
n31n, du h457 d1ch n1ch7 v3r1353n. d45 59131 h317 w1rX11ch "8u775 1n 594c3". und j4, 35 63h7 w1rX11ch um h1n73rn, d13 1m w317411 n4ch 70113773n94913r 5uch3n. w0n4ch 4uch 50n57? 41135 4nd3r3 wr3 j4 un10615ch... w3nn du j3727 n0ch 4m 1353n 8157 und d1353 53173 n1ch7 635ch10553n h457, 157 8u775 1n 594c3 - d45 X4r73n59131 d3f1n171v d45 r1ch7163 fr d1ch!

1n d1353m X4r73n59131 5ch19f3n 2-4 591313r 1n d13 r0113 v0n h1n73rn m17 X11n63nd3n n4m3n w13 h41ry 8u77, c1455y 8u77 0d3r 5ch11ch7 8u77 8u77 und v3r5uch3n, d45 v0n 3v11 8u77 63X14u73 70113773n94913r w13d3r 31n2u54mm31n. 4m 3nd3 63w1nn7, w3r d13 w3r7v011573 70113773n94913r-54mm1un6 v0r 51ch 11363n h47. durch 50nd3rX4r73n X0mm7 j3d3 m3n63 48w3ch51un6 1n d3n 3r81773r73n X4m9f um d45 f31n573 79 d13553175 v0n 419h4 c3n74ur1: m17 31n3m Xr4f7fur2 X4nn57 du fr j3d3 m3n63 ch405 50r63n, 3v11 8u77 1557 d1ch 70113773n94913r X14u3n und d13 61cX5-un73rw5ch3 5ch727 d1ch v0r d3n 4n6r1ff3n d31n3r m17591313r!

486353h3n d4v0n, d455 d45 59131 31nf4ch 594 m4ch7, drf73 d3r um574nd, d455 f457 j3d3 X4r73 51ch um h1n73rn 0d3r 70113773n94913r dr3h7, fr j3d3 m3n63 dumm3 w0r7w1723 50r63n. und d45 231chn37 83X4nn711ch w1rX11ch 6u73 591313 4u5! ;)

31n3 d3u75ch3 83r5372un6 d3r 3n6115ch3n 0r161n41-4n1317un6 X4nn57 du h13rh7795://www.637d161741.d3/d0wn104d/8u7751n594c3ru135d3.9df X0573n105 h3run73r14d3n.

73chn1c41 d374115
  • Contents: 120 cards, instructions
  • Number of players: 2-4
  • Playing time: 30-45 minutes
  • Recommended age: 9 years and older