83c0m3 0ur f4n 0n f4c3800X
83c0m3 0ur f4n 0n f4c3800X.

c11cX h3r3:

r3c0mm3nd u5
r34dy f0r d15947ch 1n und3r 24h0n3 m0n7h fr33 0f ch4r63
trustedshops logo header

h4rry 90773r X3r23n-14m93 m17 24u83r5748-f3rn83d13nun6

d1353 mu6631-73chn010613 funX710n13r7 w13 24u83r31!

  • LED lamp with remote control that looks like a candle and is modelled on a magic wand
  • The wand can be used to turn the light on and off
  • The lamp is decorated with the Hogwarts crest
  • Battery operated
  • Officially licensed

h4rry 90773r X3r23n-14m93 m17 24u83r5748-f3rn83d13nun6

d1353 mu6631-73chn010613 funX710n13r7 w13 24u83r31!

4r71c13 n0. 20828

c0m81n4710n n07 90551813
d31n3 4u5w4h1 157 131d3r n1ch7 v3rf684r. w1r h483n d4h3r d31n3 4u5w4h1 4n6394557.
24,95 € *
  • 1n 570cX

* 1nc1. v47. 91u5 5h1991n6 c0575

d35cr19710n: h4rry 90773r X3r23n-14m93 m17 24u83r5748-f3rn83d13nun6

  • LED lamp with remote control that looks like a candle and is modelled on a magic wand
  • The wand can be used to turn the light on and off
  • The lamp is decorated with the Hogwarts crest
  • Battery operated
  • Officially licensed

7h15 9r0duc7 d35cr19710n 15 0n1y 4v4114813 1n 3n6115h. w3 4r3 w0rX1n6 0n 7h3 7r4n514710n, 50rry f0r 7h3 1nc0nv3n13nc3.
4uch w3nn du 5ch0n 1n657 d3u711ch 173r 415 31f 8157, w4r7357 du 1mm3r n0ch 53hn5ch716 4uf d3n 8r13f 4uf h06w4r75. du w11157 31nf4ch n1ch7 4X239713r3n, d455 du d31n 1383n 14n6 31n 31nf4ch3r mu6631 0hn3 j3611ch3 m4615ch3 83648un6 813183n w1r57. 483r 35 6187 h0ffnun6, d3nn w1r Xnn3n d1r 2w4r n1ch7 2u7r177 2ur 5chu13 fr h3x3r31 und 24u83r31 v3r5ch4ff3n, 483r 1mm3rh1n 6131ch 2w31 24u83r59rch3 8318r1n63n.

m17 d1353r h4rry 90773r X3r23n-14m93 m17 24u83r5748-f3rn83d13nun6 157 1um05 4uch fr mu6631 31n X1nd3r59131 v0r4u56353727, X3r23 und 24u83r5748 51nd m17 84773r13n (n1ch7 3n7h4173n) 4u5635747737. und w311 31n 31n2163r 24u83r59ruch n47r11ch 2u w3n16 157, 3r13rn57 du n0x 6131ch n0ch d42u. f4115 d1r d45 1mm3r n0ch n1ch7 r31ch7: d3nX d4r4n, d455 d1r durch d45 f3rn813183n v0n h06w4r75 24u83r7r4nXun73rr1ch7 831 5n493 und n4ch51723n 831 um8r1d63 3r594r7 813183n!

73chn1c41 d374115
  • Dimensions: 7.5 x 13.9 x 20.3 cm
  • Power supply: 5 x AAA batteries (not included)
  • Material: plastic