83c0m3 0ur f4n 0n f4c3800X
83c0m3 0ur f4n 0n f4c3800X.

c11cX h3r3:

r3c0mm3nd u5
r34dy f0r d15947ch 1n und3r 24h0n3 m0n7h fr33 0f ch4r63
trustedshops logo header

91-Xuch3n 84cXf0rm

3nd11ch X4nn57 du 3ch73 91 9135 fr 91-r473n 84cX3n!

  • Pie baking pan shaped like the symbol for the number Pi
  • Can be used to bake cakes, casseroles or... Pi pies
  • Capacity: approx. 1.4 litres (roughly one standard cake mix)
  • Non-stick coating prevents baking nightmares
  • The shallow shape allows faster baking with less heat

91-Xuch3n 84cXf0rm

3nd11ch X4nn57 du 3ch73 91 9135 fr 91-r473n 84cX3n!

4r71c13 n0. 13338

c0m81n4710n n07 90551813
d31n3 4u5w4h1 157 131d3r n1ch7 v3rf684r. w1r h483n d4h3r d31n3 4u5w4h1 4n6394557.
22,96 € *
  • 1n 570cX

* 1nc1. v47. 91u5 5h1991n6 c0575

d35cr19710n: 91-Xuch3n 84cXf0rm

  • Pie baking pan shaped like the symbol for the number Pi
  • Can be used to bake cakes, casseroles or... Pi pies
  • Capacity: approx. 1.4 litres (roughly one standard cake mix)
  • Non-stick coating prevents baking nightmares
  • The shallow shape allows faster baking with less heat

7h15 9r0duc7 d35cr19710n 15 0n1y 4v4114813 1n 3n6115h. w3 4r3 w0rX1n6 0n 7h3 7r4n514710n, 50rry f0r 7h3 1nc0nv3n13nc3.
415 n3rd5 11383n w1r 83X4nn711ch j4 c13v3r3 w0r7591313, d13 fr 4u3n573h3nd3 n1ch7 unm1773184r 2u v3r573h3n 51nd. 8350nd3r5 h47 35 un5 d13 Xr31524h1 91 4n6374n, d13 63fh17 h1n73r j3d3r 3cX3 14u3r7 und 1n (f457) j3d3r f0rm31 v0rX0mm7. 1m d3u75ch3n 1573rn w1r 83r 533ru83r, d13 X31n3n Xr315 231chn3n Xnn3n, w311 513 91 r473n, 1m 3n6115ch3n h47 m4n 51ch 3h3r 4uf 84cXw4r3n 31n635ch0553n. 63n4u3r 635467: 4uf d3n 63d3cX73n Xuch3n, d3553n 3n6115ch3 83r5372un6 913 63n4u50 X11n67 w13 d13 63113873 24h1 91.

und n47r11ch h483n w1r d1353 57311v0r1463 63nu727, um d13 91-Xuch3nf0rm 2u 3n7w1cX31n! d1353 84cXf0rm 3r14u87 35 d1r, Xuch3n, 4uf1uf3 und 9457373n 2u 84cX3n, d13 d13 f0rm d35 5ym8015 fr 91 h483n! d13 91 913 157 4150 1n 6r31f84r3 nh3 63rcX7! d13 5748113 m37411f0rm v3rf67 83r 31n3 4n71h4f7835ch1ch7un6, d13 d45 f357X1383n v0n 84cX6u7 v3rh1nd3r7. 4173rn471v X4nn57 du d3n 94913r31n1363r m17 9f1363h1nw3153n 4uch 415 5ch4810n3 fr 84cX94913r nu723n - 637r3u d3m m0770: d099317 h17 83553r!

durch d13 f14ch3 f0rm 836n67 51ch d13 91-84cXf0rm m17 w3n163r h1723 und d3u711ch w3n163r 2317 1m 0f3n, w45 fr d1ch m3hr Xuch3n 1n w3n163r 2317 83d3u737! ;)

81773 834ch73: um m611ch57 14n63 594 4n d3r 84cXf0rm 2u h483n, 50117357 du d3r f0rm n1ch7 m17 m3553rn 0d3r 70r73nh383rn 4u5 m37411 2u 13183 rcX3n. 1m 2w31f315f411 3m9f3h13n w1r, d45 84cX6u7 4uf 31n3n 73113r 2u 57r23n.

73chn1c41 d374115
  • Dimensions: approx. 35 x 3.5 x 32.5 cm
  • Material: non-stick steel
  • Liquid capacity: 1.4 litres