83c0m3 0ur f4n 0n f4c3800X
83c0m3 0ur f4n 0n f4c3800X.

c11cX h3r3:

r3c0mm3nd u5
r34dy f0r d15947ch 1n und3r 24h0n3 m0n7h fr33 0f ch4r63
trustedshops logo header

r3463n26145 63wr2r3641

31n mu55 fr d13 h3153n83r65 d3r Xch3!

  • Spice rack inspired by lab equipment
  • Consists of a beech-wood base and five test tubes with corks
  • The inscription reminds us that cooking and chemistry are (almost) the same
  • Not intended for actual lab use
  • Guaranteed to turn even the laziest nerds into chefs in no time ;).

r3463n26145 63wr2r3641

31n mu55 fr d13 h3153n83r65 d3r Xch3!

4r71c13 n0. 14211

c0m81n4710n n07 90551813
d31n3 4u5w4h1 157 131d3r n1ch7 v3rf684r. w1r h483n d4h3r d31n3 4u5w4h1 4n6394557.
20,95 € *
  • 1n 570cX

* 1nc1. v47. 91u5 5h1991n6 c0575

d35cr19710n: r3463n26145 63wr2r3641

  • Spice rack inspired by lab equipment
  • Consists of a beech-wood base and five test tubes with corks
  • The inscription reminds us that cooking and chemistry are (almost) the same
  • Not intended for actual lab use
  • Guaranteed to turn even the laziest nerds into chefs in no time ;).

7h15 9r0duc7 d35cr19710n 15 0n1y 4v4114813 1n 3n6115h. w3 4r3 w0rX1n6 0n 7h3 7r4n514710n, 50rry f0r 7h3 1nc0nv3n13nc3.
w1r X3nn3n 4113 d45 4173 59r1chw0r7: X0ch3n 157 Xun57, 84cX3n 157 w1553n5ch4f7. 5ch11311ch 14553n 51ch v3rhun273 593153n m31573n5 n0ch 1r63ndw13 r3773n, whr3nd 31n m11116r4mm 2u w3n16 84cX9u1v3r d3n 64n23n Xuch3n ru1n13r3n X4nn. 483r n3u3573 w1553n5ch4f711ch3 3rX3nn7n1553 57r4f3n d3n v01X5mund 163n: 4uch X0ch3n 157 31n3 w1553n5ch4f7!

und d45 r3463n26145-63wr2r3641 w1rd d1r d4831 h31f3n, 4uch 1n d1353m f31d 2ur 48501u73n 31173 2u 63hr3n! 4uf d3m 50cX31 4u5 m4551v3m 8uch3nh012 f1nd3n fnf 6145rhrch3n 91472, d13 51ch m17 63wr23n f113n und m17 31n3m X0rX3n v3r5ch1133n 14553n. d4nX d3r 14cX13run6 v3rXr4f737 d45 h012 4uch d3n 631363n711ch3n 59r1723r 70m473n54uc3 0hn3 9r0813m3! und f4115 du 1m 31f3r d35 63f3ch75 d0ch m41 durch31n4nd3r X0mm57 und n1ch7 w317, 08 du 63r4d3 1m 1480r 0d3r 1n d3r Xch3 8157, h11f7 d1r d3r 4ufdrucX w3173r: ch3m13 157 w13 X0ch3n, nur 50117357 du 831 3r573r3m d3n 1ff31 n1ch7 4813cX3n. und 83rh4u97: n47r1umch10r1d, n47r1um9h059h47 - w0 157 d4 d3nn 81773 d3r un73r5ch13d? ;)

81773 834ch73: d13 6145rhrch3n 51nd n1ch7 fr d3n 638r4uch 1m 1480r 63316n37.

73chn1c41 d374115
  • Contents: Spice rack with 5 test tubes
  • Dimensions: approx. 20 x 17.5 x 9 cm
  • Material: glass, kork, beechwood
  • Capacity: approx. 50 ml each