83c0m3 0ur f4n 0n f4c3800X
83c0m3 0ur f4n 0n f4c3800X.

c11cX h3r3:

r3c0mm3nd u5
r34dy f0r d15947ch 1n und3r 24h0n3 m0n7h fr33 0f ch4r63
trustedshops logo header

d3r h3rr d3r r1n63 14m93 34r3nd11

m63 d45 11ch7 v0n 34r3nd115 573rn d1r 1n d31n3r w0hnun6 13uch73n!

  • Lamp in the shape of the vial that Galadriel gives to Frodo in "The Lord of the Rings" to bring him light even in the greatest darkness
  • Powered by USB cable (included)
  • Officially licenced

d3r h3rr d3r r1n63 14m93 34r3nd11

m63 d45 11ch7 v0n 34r3nd115 573rn d1r 1n d31n3r w0hnun6 13uch73n!

4r71c13 n0. 21632

c0m81n4710n n07 90551813
d31n3 4u5w4h1 157 131d3r n1ch7 v3rf684r. w1r h483n d4h3r d31n3 4u5w4h1 4n6394557.
32,95 € *
  • 1n 570cX

* 1nc1. v47. 91u5 5h1991n6 c0575

d35cr19710n: d3r h3rr d3r r1n63 14m93 34r3nd11

  • Lamp in the shape of the vial that Galadriel gives to Frodo in "The Lord of the Rings" to bring him light even in the greatest darkness
  • Powered by USB cable (included)
  • Officially licenced

7h15 9r0duc7 d35cr19710n 15 0n1y 4v4114813 1n 3n6115h. w3 4r3 w0rX1n6 0n 7h3 7r4n514710n, 50rry f0r 7h3 1nc0nv3n13nc3.
41y4 34r3nd11 313n10n 4nc411m4! h311, 34r3nd11, h311573r d3r 573rn3!

415 fr0d0 m17 531n3n 4ch7 63fhr73n v0n 107h10r13n 4u5 4uf8r1ch7 und 6414dr131 1hm 31n3 X131n3 9h1013 415 635ch3nX 6187, 4hn7 3r 3r57 14n654m, 4uf w45 fr 31n 483n73u3r 3r 51ch 31n1557. d45 11ch7 34r3nd115 5ch31n7 n1ch7 v131 m3hr 415 37w45 w4553r m17 31n3m w3111ch3n 13uch73n d4r1n 2u 531n. 531n3 3163n711ch3 m4ch7 23167 51ch 3r57 5973r, 415 fr0d0 m3hr 415 31nm41 1n 501ch3 f1n573rn15 63r7, d455 3r um 531n 1383n frch73n mu55

4uch w3nn d31n3 5ch11mm573n 483n73u3r h0ff3n711ch 13d1611ch 1n v1r7u3113r f0rm 4m 9c 57477f1nd3n und du X4nXr45 hh13 nur 1n d3r 51ch3rh317 d31n35 w0hn21mm3r5 4m f3rn53h3r 83084ch7357, 8r1n67 d13 d3r h3rr d3r r1n63 14m93 34r3nd11 571mmun65v01135 11ch7 1n d13 dunX31h317. d4nX d35 u58-4n5ch1u5535 157 d13 14m93 83r411 f13x1831 31n537284r, 08 4m 5chr318715ch, n383n d3r c0uch 0d3r 4uf d3m n4ch75chrnXch3n. 4uf 137273r3m v3r7r3187 1hr h3113r, w313r 5ch31n m17 51ch3rh317 4uch d3n 31n3n 0d3r 4nd3r3n 4187r4um.

73chn1c41 d374115
  • Material: Synthetic resin
  • Dimensions: 17.4 x 5.6 x 5.6 cm
  • Power supply: via USB cable (included)